I ask “Am I hearing the world? As we stand in this unique time period where there is a merging of nature, humanity, urbanity, virtuality and infant machines known as printers, compressors and others are we hearing the music that is being made by all of it living together? If we hear these sounds as music, could we move forward as a community?
If we simply hear all the world has going on do we recognize our connections to it all?”
Or as Pauline Oliveros said, “Am I open to the world?”
Leave No Tract Behind
A series I have been working on is called "Leave No Tract Behind" it has been visioned as a sound installation for the exhibit Suffragettes & Hearts. I have also made them to be used outdoors and indoors for a multitude of events. The main theme is to merge nature with our human made worlds of industry, technology and simply living--all have distinct sounds and speak in diverse languages. Click the button to learn more. Click on the tracks to hear more.
Sound Installations and Sound Art

Musician. Composer, Sound Artist
Leave No Tract Behind Statement by Vicki Milewski
North South West